There will often be many questions if you consider applying for vector. To make it a little easier, here are some of the most frequently asked questions in this FAQ. Here you can also get an overview of what questions many others also have.
How time consuming is it to be a vector on a day-to-day basis?
As a baseline you will need to show up to the weekly vector-meetings. Which day of the week they are held, is something you will decide in your assigned vector teams. Also expect to spend a little more time, since there will be tasks you will work on outside the meetings.
Which dates are important to keep free to become a vector?
See Time consumption.
When and where do you apply?
See Apply now!.
What is the structure of the new study start?
See General structure.
What does it mean to be vector for another studyline?
If you have applied for a studyline, where there more applicants than available vector positions, you might get the offer to to be a vector for another studyline than your own. To be a vector for another line than your own contains the same experiences as being a vector for your own study line. An advantage of being a vector for another study line, is that you get a broader network at DTU. You'll get to meet many people you would never have met otherwise. Since vectors is mainly social guides and not study guides, it doesn't matter that you are not studying the same thing as your russes. If there is anything particular to the study line that you need to know, there is no need to worry. You will get all the information required by the KABS for the given study line.
What do you get out of being a vector?
Apart from the experiences that you get by being a part of planning a study start, with the introday/s, the Welcome day, cakemeetings etc. you'll also get a huge social network. You get to know people from all of DTU, and some of these relationships may last the rest of your life.
How is it to be on a the introday/s?
It is at times very challenging, but also an awesome feeling to be a part of the introday/s. You'll have planned the day/s with your co-vectors for a long time, so to finally get your russes on the day/s is such a great sensation. Before you go on the intoday/s, you and your co-vectors will have created a great bond, and that feeling will be contagious to the russes.
Can you go on summer vacation?
Other than the dates required for vectors, you will also go on a preparation-trip (prep-trip) with your cross-team, and maybe also your study line team. This is something planned internally in the teams, but is often placed in the end of the summer vacation.
Are there many applying to be a vector?
The amount of people applying for the vector position varies a lot from study line to study line, and from year to year. If there are too many who have applied for one study line, you might get offered the position for another study line. Read more about being a vector for another study line than your own at the question "What does it mean to be vector for another studyline?" above.
Are there any cons to being a vector?
It will take quite a bit of time from your day-to-day life, both before and after the introday/s. But that time is nothing compared to the experiences and companionship that you get out of it.
What does it mean to be an online vector?
As a new concept, DTU now has online study lines. If you become a vector for an online study line, you will as a vector still host a physical introday/s with your cross team. The online russes also get the offer to attend a physical introday/s. The cake meetings which you'll have with your study line russes each week during their first semester, will be done online. Everything except the Welcome Day and the cake meetings will be physical, like a 'normal' vector period.
Do you have to be able to speak danish to be a vector?
No, but you will be limited to the mixed teams if you do not.
Still missing an answer to the question you have? You are always welcome to write us at KABS Facebook or to our mail at [email protected] and we will answer your questions. Do you have a question that you think wil be a valuable addition to the website? Send it to us by mail, and we will attempt to get all relevant questions on the website.