The Study Start
In the study start, nearly 300 vectors are employed, divided into 20 - 30 different cross-teams for the summer start, welcoming the new russes who start their studies in August this summer.
This is all coordinated by a total of 28 KABS, who are in charge of vector education, OPtur, and many other activities related to the studystart.
KABS, vectors and Chefs du Optur jointly create the best possible introday/s and study start experience for the future russes.
We in KABS (Coordinators of the Bachelor Study Start) are working on improving the study start in collaboration with DTU, with the vectors playing a vital role. The format of the study start will strongly resemble that of 2024, with 3 intro days from Wednesday-Friday in week 35, where the main focus being placed on studyline teambuilding. Additionally, Vectors will help organize cake meetings and a cabin trip.